Frequently asked questions

What are the core principles of Navodaya?
Navodaya is founded on rediscovering the essential idea of India as conceptualised in the Constitution.

What is the vision of Navodaya?
Navodaya expects to encourage and support all individuals and networks of individuals who are committed to working toward realising the vision expressed in the Constitution.

With whom does Navodaya engage?
Navodaya will engage with anyone who believes in and is working toward realising the vision expressed in the Constitution.

How is Navodaya funded?
Navodaya is a network of individuals, and will register formal entities as required to be able to accept donations towards supporting the organisation achieve its goals.

Is Navodaya organised as a trust? Who are the Trustees of Navodaya?
While Navodaya itself is a network of individuals, it has registered (in order to open an account with the bank and similar formalities) as a public service company in India, commonly referred to as a sec 8 company.

Who is the owner of Navodaya? Who is the leader of Navodaya?
The people involved with Navodaya are listed on the Pathfinders page on this website. There is no leader, it is a team.

What facilities can Navodaya provide me or my organization in order to network?
We offer contacts and infrastructural support to initiate and continue a range of activities that continue to achieve the idea of India.

Why should I join Navodaya?
You should, if you believe that the idea of India as expressed in the Constitution, transforming a feudal and tribal set of colonised regions into a cohesive and unique electorally representative democratic republic, that values and enshrines the independent human spirit of equality, is worth striving to achieve. You may prefer to work independently within that same thought, and welcome associating with Navodaya as a network partner.

Which organizations is Navodaya already networking with?
We have and will work with any individual, association of individuals, or formal bodies corporate, who serve the idea of India, and are not operating within the framework of a formal political party.

Will Navodaya discuss or comment upon the aims and objectives of organizations with which it networks?
Navodaya has a strong framework for internal discussion of a wide range of subjects, some of which may include defining synergies with current or future network partners.

Will I come under official security watch or surveillance because of my engaging with Navodaya?
No more than you would for believing in freedom, the Constitution, and equality.

What kind of contribution is expected from me if I join Navodaya?
All members and network partners of Navodaya are committed to actively furthering the ideals, objectives and commitments expressed in the Constitution, and devote whatever time, resources and effort is available to them.